The RanestRane active for more than 15 years, have released eight albums and are certainly one of the most active reality of the Prog Rock Italian Contemporary.
The band recently played for the second time in Japan as the “Opening Act” of the “Marillion Japanese Tour 2018″ along with the English band Marillion (the band of reference of the English Prog Rock for about 35 years).
- Daniele Pomo – drums and vocals
- Riccardo Romano – keyboards
- Maurizio Meo – bass
- Massimo Pomo – guitar
The band has also already three European tours that have touched Italy, Holland, France, England, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Belgium and are currently performing their fourth European tour that will bring their latest album “Starchild” throughout Europe. – A Space Odyssey Part III “.
The Ranestranes were support bands in Europe for the first tour of the “Steve Rothery Band” (guitarist of the English band Marillion) for a tour of about 20 dates and Steve Rothery has collaborated on the last three works of the band Besides Rothery participated to the aforementioned albums also Steve Hogarth (singer of the Marillion) who was accompanied by the RanestRane for the Italian dates of his solo tour.
The works of the RanestRane are all dedicated and inspired by great cinematographic works such as “Nosferatu il Vampiro” by W. Herzog, “Shining” and “2001 A Space Odyssey” by S. Kubrick and their Cine-Concerts foresee the simultaneous projection of the films mentioned for the creation of a real “Multimedia” concert.
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