Hora Prima is a progressive rock band from Puglia that builds its sound on the different genre influences of the members themselves.
The band was born in Bari in 2015 from an idea by Francesco Bux (drums and vocals) and Domenico De Zio (guitar). Over the years, in this musical journey, they were joined by Gianluca De Bene (guitar), Roberto Gomes (keyboards and vocals) and Valeria Tritto (bass), completing the lineup that will bring to light the band’s first studio album, “L’Uomo delle Genti” produced and distributed by the Ma.Ra.Cash Records label of Vigevano.
The album, in its concept form, traveling the territories of progressive rock, tells in a secular key the adventures of San Nicola, Patron Saint of the City of Bari, a tribute to the patronal feast of the capital of Puglia and how it is experienced every year by the people of Bari and by pilgrims. A musical journey through the beliefs, legends, traditions, folklore and culture of a people.
In parallel with the studio activity, there are frequent live interventions in festivals or contests (National Finalists Sanremo Rock, AlbeRockBello Festival, Premio Morris) performances in theaters, squares, participation in television programs, interviews in newspapers and books such as “Dialoghi Prog – Il Rock Progressivo Italiano del nuovo millennio raccontata dai personaggi” by Donato Ruggiero.
Currently the line-up includes some changes; with Roberto Di Lernia on bass, Carlo Candelora on guitar and synth and Andrea Catalano on vocals, Hora Prima have returned to the studio in order to conceive a new project full of influences and refined sounds. Latest album: L’uomo delle genti.
Festival line-up:
- FRANCESCO BUX – drums, synth, backing vocals
- DOMENICO DE ZIO – elecric guitar
- ROBERTO GOMES – keyboards, choirs